Deadpool Bot Commands
Deadpool Bot (AI) has a variety of commands. Here's a list of the available commands and how to use them:
General Commands
- /say - Make Deadpool Bot say a specified message. Admin
- /intro - Populate a channel with your intro details. Admin Moderator
- /updatemsg - Send a server update message via a live embed editor. Admin Moderator
- @mention Deadpool Bot for an AI response. User
- /mystatus - Check the status and remaining duration(s) of your Merc Clearance Status, next Steal/Auto-steal time, Double XP time remaining, and more. User
- /afk - Set an AFK message that auto-responds to users pinging, or mentioning you. AFK Status is removed when you send a message. User
- /notifyroles - Choose which role @pings you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to. User
- /remindme - Set a custom reminder to DM you after your specified duration/time. (Set as many as you want at once!) User
- /reminders - Opt in to receive DM reminders shortly before you are able to use /steal again, /vote, etc. User
- /ping - Get the current ping to the Discord server. User
- /help - Display help information about Deadpool Bot's features. User
- /ask - Ask Deadpool Bot a question and get an AI response. User
- /yt - Search and share YouTube videos or songs. User
- /live - Alert when a user goes live on Twitch. Streamer
Moderation Commands
- /verify - Manually verify a user, and give them the server access role. Admin Moderator
- /whitelist - Add a server to the Deadpool whitelist, this lets Deadpool join your server! (Invite slot giveaways are run in the Discord Server!) Admin
- /invitegiveaway - Start a Deadpool invite slot Giveaway! Admin
- /devcmd - Developer command handler (Check staff channel for commands). Admin
- /ban - Ban a user from the server. Admin
- /warnclear - Clear warnings for a user. Admin
- /warninfo - View recent warnings for a user. Admin Moderator
- /warn - Issue a warning to a user. Admin Moderator
/mute - Mute a user for a specified duration.
/unmute - Unmute a previously muted user.
/purge - Purge messages in the channel with optional filters.
- /kick - Kick a user from the server. Admin Moderator
- /softban - Temp ban a user & remove recent messages. Admin Moderator
- /resetrankcard - Reset a users level/rank card to the default. Admin Moderator
- /removequarantine - Remove quarantine status from a user. Admin Moderator
Fun and Games
- /giveaway - Start a server giveaway. Admin
- /checkgiveaway - Check currently running Giveaways, and their remaining time(s). User
- /xppool - Start a server XP Pool game. Users react to the message and pitch in a random amount between 1-500 XP. After it ends, a random user is selected to WIN IT ALL! Admin
- /checkxppool - Check currently running XP Pool games, and their remaining time(s). User
- /banish - Joke ban a user with optional reason. Admin
- /checkgiveaway - Check current giveaways and their remaining time. User
- /lfg - Organize gaming sessions with Looking For Group. User
- /shootdice - Challenge another user to a dice roll game and bet XP. User
- /coinflip - Flip a coin, Heads or Tails. User
- /duel - Challenge a user to a duel. User
- /slap - Slap a user. User
- /setcommand - Create your own custom command with a Title, action, thumbnail image (optional), and image url (optional)!
(EX. /setcommand {Title} {Poked} {https://imageurl.jpg})
- /mycommand - Run your Custom Command
(EX. /mycommand {@targetuser})
- /8ball - Ask the magic 8 ball a question. User
- /pokemon - Get information about a Pokémon. User
- /googleit - Share a Google search link with a user. User
- /roll - Roll a dice. User
- /sidekick - Adopt a virtual Side Kick to take care of! (Having a Side Kick gives a 10% bonus to steals, and auto-steals!). User
- /sidekickhelp - Display information and help for the Side Kick System, and to check how the Side Kicks Stats are affected. User
- /weeklyloot - Check how much XP Deadpool has stolen from everyone throughout the week. He keeps it stashed in a Digi-Vault that's up for grabs EVERY SATURDAY at 3PM -6UTC! User
XP and Levels
- /vote - Vote for the Bot on every 12 hours, and earn 100 XP just for voting! User
- /givexp - Give XP to a user. Admin
- /giveallxp - Give XP to all users in the server. Admin
- /removexp - Remove XP from a user. Admin
- /shop - View and purchase items or perks with XP. User
- /level - Check your current level/rank card with stats. User
- /setrankcard - Set your Level/Rank background to a custom image. User
- /rank - Check another users level/rank card with stats. User
- /xforceid - Check your X-Force ID's Theft Stats, or another users. (Resets Monthly) User
- /mercleaderboard - Show the Top Mercs in the server. (Resets Monthly) User
- /leaderboard - Show the top active members in the server. User
- /rankcard - Set your rank card to a custom image. User
Birthday & Events
- /resetbirthday - Reset a user's birthday. Admin Moderator
- /setbirthday - Set your birthday (MM/DD/YYYY). User
- /checkbirthday - Check a user's birthday information. User
- /birthdays - View upcoming birthdays in the server. User
Support Tickets
- /viewtickets - View and manage all open tickets. Admin Moderator
- /closeticket - Close a ticket by its ID. Admin Moderator
- /createticket - Create a new support ticket. User
- /mytickets - Manage your tickets as a user. User
This docs page is being updated. If you see any mistakes or missing features, please reach out to Deadpool Bot staff.